Question 5 - Envolving Networks
Choose the correct alternative about evolving network models:
A. In the Bianconi-Barabási Model, the preferential attachment is proportional to the node's degree and fitness property, which is the probability of generating new internal links between pre-existing nodes.
B. In the Initial Attractiveness Model, the preferential attachment is proportional to the product of the node degree and a constant A, called initial attractiveness.
C. In the Accelerated Growth Model, for any θ value, the network is always scale-free.
D. In the Aging Model, the preferential attachment depends on a v parameter. A positive ν means that new nodes are more likely to connect to younger nodes, while a negative v means that new nodes are more likely to connect to older nodes.
E. None of the above.
Original idea by: Vitoria D. M. Pinho
Interesting question,, but it relies too much in readers having read the Barabasi book, as it refers to parameters theta and nu without explicitly defining them.