Question 5 - Envolving Networks

 Choose the correct alternative about evolving network models: 

A. In the Bianconi-Barabási Model, the preferential attachment is proportional to the node's degree and fitness property, which is the probability of generating new internal links between pre-existing nodes.

B. In the Initial Attractiveness Model, the preferential attachment is proportional to the product of the node degree and a constant A, called initial attractiveness. 

C. In the Accelerated Growth Model, for any θ value, the network is always scale-free.

D. In the Aging Model, the preferential attachment depends on a v parameter. A positive ν means that new nodes are more likely to connect to younger nodes, while a negative v means that new nodes are more likely to connect to older nodes.

E. None of the above. 

Original idea by: Vitoria D. M. Pinho 


  1. Interesting question,, but it relies too much in readers having read the Barabasi book, as it refers to parameters theta and nu without explicitly defining them.


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